Bolte by Bolte by Tom Prior
Bolte by Bolte by Tom Prior
Bolte by Bolte
by Tom Prior
Craftsman Publishing, 1990 [First Edition], ISBN 095878339, black and white photographs, paperback
Very Good Condition, a little edge and shelf wear, no inscriptions, uncreased spine (see photographs)
"Sir Henry Bolte was always frank and colourful, but never more so than in the series of interviews he gave veteran 'Sun News Pictorial' reporter Tom Prior in the year before his death. The interviews reveal Sir Henry at his provocative, controversial best - or, depending on your viewpoint, 'worst' - and lend a certain poignancy to his observation, "It might be a lot better all round if I die before this book is published."
Almost embarrassingly candid, 'Bolte by Bolte', takes the reader behind the headlines of an extraordinary Australian lifetime to tell the warts and all story of the so-called 'bumpkin form Bamganie' who was the Premier of Victoria for a record 17 years - they years of 'the Split', State Aid and discovery of natural gas in Bass Strait, the Vietnam protests, the teachers who were told they were 'rabble' and ordered back to school."