Hand-Painting China by Lesley Harle and Susan Conder
Hand-Painting China by Lesley Harle and Susan Conder
Hand-Painting China
How to design and paint your own beautiful ceramics, without the need for kiln-firing
by Lesley Harle and Susan Conder, photographs by Debbie Patterson
Lorenz Books, 1995, ISBN 1859671365, full-page colour photographs, instructional colour photographs, patterns, motifs, paperback with wraps,
Very Good Condition, minor edge and shelf wear, otherwise like new, uncreased spine (see photographs)
'Clear step-by-step project photography and beautiful, inspirational pictures of finished pieces are reinforced by sections on basic ceramic painting skills and techniques; materials and equipment; sources and suppliers; and the care and maintenance of the finished objects. The pleasure of painting ceramics does not stop when you put your paints away; hand-decorated china can last many years with appropriate care, as described in this book.'