Instant Weather Forecasting by Alan Watts
Instant Weather Forecasting by Alan Watts
Instant Weather Forecasting
by Alan Watts
Granada Publishing, 1976, 64 pages, ISBN 0229973655, Colour photographs throughout, hardcover, dust-jacket
Very Good Condition, a little edge and shelf wear, clipped Dust Jacket
'Looking at the sky and forecasting the weather for the immediate future is the traditional pastime of shepherds, farmers and deep-sea sailors. Some even possess an uncanny knowledge of the subject when they know locality well. But we can all become forecasters of the weather of the instant with the aid of a little meteorology.
This revolutionary book of 24 colour cloud pictures is a guide to forecasting the weather in the hours ahead, and also provides some information on what likely weather trends will be. It will enable the user to foretell, with reasonable accuracy, whether it will rain or blow, not change much or perhaps clear up soon. Everyone can use it, whether he be a sailor, farmer, holiday maker or sportsman.'