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South Australia Revisited by Charlotte Balfour and Colin Thiele

South Australia Revisited by Charlotte Balfour and Colin Thiele

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South Australia Revisited

Paintings by Charlotte Balfour

Text by Colin Thiele

Rigby, 1976, [First Edition], ISBN 0727020692, colour paintings throughout, illustrated endpapers, hardcover with laminated illustrated boards

Near Fine Condition, minor edge and shelf wear to edges and corners, previous owners gift inscription on reverse front fly leaf, (see photographs)

“This book is a birthday present, so to speak.  Within the limitations of the space available Colin Thiele and Charlotte Balfour were asked to prepare their own particular tribute to South Australia – a personal celebration of its 150th year.
They have therefore ranged the state with brush and pen, following their inclinations and recording their responses, marking out the uniqueness of individual places where South Australians have laboured and built, progressed and retreated, attempted, failed and achieved.  Inevitably their choices reflect their own vision but, like the poems in a private anthology or the selection of music in a concert programme, there is much for others to share and enjoy.  With them we can all discover the strange and rediscover the familiar.
The geographical spread of their selections is immense – from the Flinders Ranges to the windswept ramparts of Cape du Couedic; from the church with the chimneys on Eyre Peninsula to the great Glencoe woolshed near Mount Gambier.  Collectively the paintings and essays form a unity, a mosaic of endeavour and achievement across the state.”

other copies of this title and more from Colin Thiele

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