The Prophets And Our Times by Rev. R. Gerald Culleton
The Prophets And Our Times by Rev. R. Gerald Culleton
The Prophets And Our Times
by Rev. R. Gerald Culleton
TAN Books and Publishers, 1974, 235 pages, paperback, previous store stamp and price on first title page
Very Good Condition, stamps and price on title page (see photographs)
'Originally written in the early 1940 s this book is even more appropriate for those studying prophecy today.
Any serious student of Catholic Prophecy should possess several books and this one is near the top of the list. They should also have The Apocalypse of Saint John by E Sylvester Berry and The Book of Destiny by Herman Bernard Kramer. Culleton s other work, The Reign of Antichrist is also very useful in carrying study forward. In the 19th century James Ratton wrote two books, Essays on the Apocalypse and The Apocalypse of Saint John . His works should also be consulted by the serious student of Catholic prophecy.
Father Culleton begins with an overview of the prophecies and his prophetic time line. He then proceeds to the prophecies in chronological order with very few comments, which are easily recognisable. Culleton has gathered together a sizeable number of prophecies. His conclusions may be out of date, but the prophecies themselves are more important today than they were in the middle of the last century when Culleton compiled them. He discusses the Great Monarch and the Angelic Pastor. He also touches on Antichrist. In fact he subtitles this book Signs that Precede the Antichrist . Culleton reports the following prayer from a priest in Rome in 1936: O Jesus, Divine Saviour! Be merciful, be merciful to us and to the whole world. Amen. Powerful God! Holy God! Immortal God! Have compassion upon us and upon the whole world. Amen. Eternal Father, show us mercy, in the name of the Precious Blood of Thy Only Son, show us mercy we implore Thee. Amen. Although he does not mention Sister Faustina one can easily see the tie in with the devotion to the Divine Mercy she was led by Almighty God to promote.
Culleton reports a Franciscan Father in Arizona as stating: Don Bosco s prophecy The Pope will die and live again refers to the peculiar circumstances surrounding Pius XI and Pius XII: when the former died, Fides Intrepida died, but when Pius Xll, his Secretary of State, was elected, Fides Intrepida lived again. Pius XII according to this would not be the Pastor Angelicus, at least not the one who would rule with the Great Monarch. With the speculation about Saint Malachy s prophecies of the popes this students of Catholic Prophecy may wish to investigate this and two other prophets, Saint John Capistrano and the Monk of Padua, that Culleton quotes as describing the last Popes in history."